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Game: Chehalis Post Net vs. Napavine Napavine (Stan Hedwall Park #4)
U12 Boys - LCYSA U12 League
H4 Stan Hedwall, Stan Hedwall Park #4 (5:00PM-6:15PM)
Game: Chehalis Rogerson Electric vs. Onalaska The Rogue Flower (Stan Hedwall Park #4)
U12 Girls - LCYSA U12 League
H4 Stan Hedwall, Stan Hedwall Park #4 (5:00PM-6:15PM)
Game: Chehalis Salon Logan vs. Chehalis Thorbeckes (Stan Hedwall Park #4)
U12 Girls - LCYSA U12 League
H4 Stan Hedwall, Stan Hedwall Park #4 (5:00PM-6:15PM)